South Carolina Tourism Campaign Samples
Examples include: Tourism website, BBQ Trail, SC Traditions, and ARTISANS Web Videos,
SC State Parks Campaign Print Ad, and a “DiSCover” Campaign Print Ad.
All of which was supported by digital and social media componates as well as TV and additional video content
Web: Discover SC w/ mega dropdown nav.
Part of a 3 part web series on the history, traditions, and craftsmanship found in South Carolina.
Part of a 3 part web series on the history, traditions, and craftsmanship found in South Carolina.
Print: Greenville’s Annual Balloon Fest.
Print: Parks Ultimate Outsider Campaign.
Part of an 8 part web series on the history of BBQ in South Carolina. Series titled “South Carolina, The Birthplace of BBQ.”
ARTISANS of South Carolina “Campaign on a Page”
Print - OOH - Digital Banners - Social Content.
Video and Photo Samples produced for Garden & Gun
60 sec interview captured on location in GA - The Sea Island Falconry Program.
Still frame for use in publication and online.
Photo Samples captured for Palmetto Bluff, SC. Awarded a 2020 Silver Addy for Campaign Photography